Bredonborough Another very cold morning
Another very cold morning.
WillyFred has been provided his breakfasting items, although Wilf has expressed little interest in his greens of late.
The inbox is set to cruel so, has been put to one side while reading-editing is underway.
11.33 The inbox has been pushed to one side for The Writing Project.
12.15 A Skypeing to Elan Sicroff, in Holland, in respect of
The Thomas de Hartmann Project.
15.14 E-furying. Haircut. E-fury returns.
16.47 The e-furying interrupted by a visit to the chiropodist.
Crossing the afternoon street I…
More e-fury. Dribble.
20.38 Even more e-fury and MS Word has collapsed, pitifully. It’s a sign!
Practicing ahead. The Minx will be back in the early hours.